Monday, November 26, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Last Post
Well Since last semester is that I have inserted into my school routine to study and learn English, and that prior to being in this level also did level two and three, but recently was the previous semester was experiencing for the first time the use of the blog (something totally new for me besides that this is in English), the truth is that I really liked working with this platform (blog) This subject, which allowed me to learn and use more vocabulary in a more didactic in comparison to learn with books and guides, intend to post at the end of this level to continue to use this platform that I like a lot, especially as a didactic to use even in my future work.
The truth is that I feel that what I needed more polish and improve on English, vocabulary is expanding and feel that I need to expand my vocabulary and I intend to do so in a special way, I intend to travel to the U.S. in a couple of years more to visit my sister who lives there for over 5 years, so my idea is to expand my vocabulary by having to use the vocabulary of necessity, by pressure to communicate, and I will be obligatory to have to talk and use of English and its various idioms.
Outside the classroom use of English language to talk to my sister on Skype, and she is more interested in quickly learn the language so you can make the visa papers in the U.S. Embassy (since they are very strict about making this paperwork). She intends to speak fluently and use as many idioms "gringos", then use the language regularly in this area, in order to achieve the desired visa to travel to view.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
my future job
Today I'm going to talk about my future job. Today I'm study nursery education and I taken my major education in young children because I love very much the education in general with the all subjects (art, English,sciences,among other).But I like much more the young children or kids because that I chose with my major the young children.
For my job I would like: good assistant of education (are very necessary in our job), didactic material or handled , graphic and visual material for work with the children, representatives parent present in the future are their children's and the most important a good school of preference a artistic school or a non traditional school for example (experimental school ). their are the kind or qualities necessary for my future job.
As a tell before I have much aspect in the time for choose my future job, in this aspect is the work in a non traditional school because I like much more the freedom and liberty with to work this type of school . I loved can be part of this school someday in the future.Also in the other aspect for can be choose the right and perfect job for my is the good relation with the others teacher and directive team also too with the parents of the all kids because are the fundamental based and support of the children in their houses ans is extremely important to count with their support front anything or problem in the school or troubles with her classmates.
In the case in that be in a job interview and asked me for my strengths and weaknesses I say in my strengths that I have so responsible , organized, creative , spontaneity, among others and also in my weakness I tell as that I'm very passive in the discuss and opinion changes that play in against because somebody can be put their authority before that my opinion , because every team work should be listened and respect all the ideas and opinions from their member , regardless of one person be a passive that is not a synonymous of not deserve respect, because I'm a passive but not a person without opinion and I say when I'm feeling in confidence in a good team where have much respect and security of say anything (like a trust team).
For my job I would like: good assistant of education (are very necessary in our job), didactic material or handled , graphic and visual material for work with the children, representatives parent present in the future are their children's and the most important a good school of preference a artistic school or a non traditional school for example (experimental school ). their are the kind or qualities necessary for my future job.
As a tell before I have much aspect in the time for choose my future job, in this aspect is the work in a non traditional school because I like much more the freedom and liberty with to work this type of school . I loved can be part of this school someday in the future.Also in the other aspect for can be choose the right and perfect job for my is the good relation with the others teacher and directive team also too with the parents of the all kids because are the fundamental based and support of the children in their houses ans is extremely important to count with their support front anything or problem in the school or troubles with her classmates.
In the case in that be in a job interview and asked me for my strengths and weaknesses I say in my strengths that I have so responsible , organized, creative , spontaneity, among others and also in my weakness I tell as that I'm very passive in the discuss and opinion changes that play in against because somebody can be put their authority before that my opinion , because every team work should be listened and respect all the ideas and opinions from their member , regardless of one person be a passive that is not a synonymous of not deserve respect, because I'm a passive but not a person without opinion and I say when I'm feeling in confidence in a good team where have much respect and security of say anything (like a trust team).
Thursday, November 8, 2012
$ Money

I spend money on many things, most of the photocopies for college, as well as very superficial things like: earrings, makeup, among others.
I think I am very good managing my money, for example, if I intend to buy something out of my budget together the money until you can buy what I want, I have never spent my budget for something, I prefer to gather before going into debt.
if I were a millionaire would buy many things but the most important would be a car for me, because I can not take full ride buses and subways all tight and uncomfortable.
I have never had to pawn something in my life and I really think that this is a situation of great emergency, i do not think they will be able to pawn something because everything of value that I have are very important things and much sentimental value, for if not, if ever my pawn something depends.
I really hope that one day people stop doing everything for money
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Environment
Today Im going to talk about to the environment.
I think that I learned to the environment when I was 12 years old in the school in a class of sciences, the teacher showed the organism and the way for us can made recycle.I remeber she tolk us about to the worry and take care to the all world, I still remeber she teached to the recycling.
I recycling every day when I separated to the papers, plastic bottle,organic food,everything.
I dont have a bike because when I was a little girl I haved to the accident and I dont want to the ride the bike but I used my leg every day , I love so much walk to the park or go to the near place.
I dont belong to the any organization ecologistic because I dont have much time for to the part in that organization,but I really like and support every ecologistical move.for example I like so much the organization no gobernmental (CDA) is compouned for student to the university of chile and people interested in the topic.
Every day I worry for dont use to the energy if a dont needed , I care for the water leak , among other, this is my way for to help to the ecosistem and environment.
The last semester I had to the oportunity for made the carbon footprint I dont remember very well the result but I hope so much that have reduce for that I walk a lot, I separated the product for to recycle and I worry for not put garbage in the street.
Santiago is a big city in where lives so many people, but with the time disappear because dont care to the ecosistem and always we contamineited the city , in our society no is normal speak about to the care world, ecosistem , animal , among other, but in a short time this issues us cause so many environment problems.I think we all need more information and more preucupation about to the ecosistem and obviously for santiago our city.
I think that I learned to the environment when I was 12 years old in the school in a class of sciences, the teacher showed the organism and the way for us can made recycle.I remeber she tolk us about to the worry and take care to the all world, I still remeber she teached to the recycling.
I recycling every day when I separated to the papers, plastic bottle,organic food,everything.

I dont belong to the any organization ecologistic because I dont have much time for to the part in that organization,but I really like and support every ecologistical move.for example I like so much the organization no gobernmental (CDA) is compouned for student to the university of chile and people interested in the topic.
Every day I worry for dont use to the energy if a dont needed , I care for the water leak , among other, this is my way for to help to the ecosistem and environment.
The last semester I had to the oportunity for made the carbon footprint I dont remember very well the result but I hope so much that have reduce for that I walk a lot, I separated the product for to recycle and I worry for not put garbage in the street.
Santiago is a big city in where lives so many people, but with the time disappear because dont care to the ecosistem and always we contamineited the city , in our society no is normal speak about to the care world, ecosistem , animal , among other, but in a short time this issues us cause so many environment problems.I think we all need more information and more preucupation about to the ecosistem and obviously for santiago our city.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The Vote
Since this year the vote is voluntary and we all is registered in the system electoral to carry the majority of aged , in this case in our constitution or law is the 18 years old, owing tho the fact that I am 19 years old and I'm inscribed in the system electoral of the country (SERVEL) and I have the possibility of vote for some candidate of my interest.
But in topics of political I am very critic, I thing that majority of candidates politics are a persons corrupt, interested only in your benefits (economics),among others for the reason that all campaigns are fictitious and only be created for assure more votes, but the reality is that a little part of the all promises of campaign to carry. Apart I think the only motivation o finality of he all campaign political is dirty and contaminate to the city.
For my the qualities that should be any person for a be a good political or a candidate for a public position is basically clever and originally ideas, the capacity for listen the necessities of the society and put the interested the people before the own benefits, among others.
In all my life I never considerate becoming a political because I don't share the way with they make the things (the wrong , easy and mediocre way), take the problems and give temporal solution and still thinking that are good public worker, without feel that is your job, your responsibility your duty.
I think the better way to the make listen the ideas and projects the all candidates is not plastered the streets of Chilean city with propaganda, posters and sign.For my the better idea is just talk, converse and generate spaces destined for to share your projects and new ideas for the improvement the quality of life to the society
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Guardian article
Abuse of teachers by parents and pupils on the rise, says survey
The constant attack that receive the thousand teachers for the pupils and parent. More of the 39% of the teacher is subject of bad behavior, aggression and physical violence. The parent react to some demanded, way disciplined , bad result in the exams for their children's and among others . This attitudes make the parent confronted to teachers and abused of your power for be a tutors and guardians of their child's, he acted the aggressive way that until sometimes her conduct getting off the control of the situation and the violence of the all type took the moment of conversation and dialogue.
Is very important too, the mention that all violent conducts of her parent is be reflected in their child's, because the abuses and mistreatment that suffer the teacher's is also too caused for the students and pupils , the same conduct and behavior from their parent is learned for they and used for himself for treat bad to all teachers.
The violence is the topic very common in our days, but the violence in the schools, works and universities is something that don't should be happened . Is a shame to discover that comments, insults, derogatory and intimidation is a topic present in the life of the teachers and educator .
I think the all violent conducts don't should be present in the school system and less in all the aspect of our life's.
The security should be insured in the personal life as too in the work and a our profession or career. Is our right live in a comfortable space of work because of that way we can make a good job with our students.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
My best friend
Today I'm going to talk about my best friend in the world,I met her when I was a 3 years old , her family lived in the house front of me , she studied in the same school and the same year, but that time I hated all about her , we couldn´t stand each other , I really didn´ t like her . No much time later I knew her better and I liked he personality and the way she acted in front of the life.Just in that period I discovered she turned into my best friend. since that time we never get separated, although our lives change too much in the period of moving to other high school, because she was interested in a technical career for her future and I was interested in a professional career so the time to live separated. but we always keep in touch in the best and worst moment of our lives.
With javiera my best friend we have been friend since we were six year old until now and I really hope that friendship last forever. I consider Javiera my best friend because she has been in all my life in the best and the worst moment, every moment when I needed her she has been there for me.
I remember once when we were in the school just in an exam and the teacher caught us cheating in the book. In that time we were very little but I still remember the situation very well.
With javiera my best friend we have been friend since we were six year old until now and I really hope that friendship last forever. I consider Javiera my best friend because she has been in all my life in the best and the worst moment, every moment when I needed her she has been there for me.
I remember once when we were in the school just in an exam and the teacher caught us cheating in the book. In that time we were very little but I still remember the situation very well.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My best holidays
My best holidays
I still remember my most beautiful holidays were when I was very, very small, but I still remember them with love.
Was more or less in 2002, I remember I was in Viña del Mar, and are truly special to me, because in that was the last trip we took my whole family (father, mother and sisters) with my grandmother, and that this little old after her sick a lot and could not travel to Chile again (she lives in Canada).
during that drive time did many fun things, like playing on the beach, meet historical sites, shopping and spending much time especially with my grandmother so I could enjoy it a lot.
I remember very well that the fate of that trip was due primarily to the fact that my sister lived there and in that period it was in times of trial and could not travel far, then as a family we go see it and take advantage of it a vacation the whole family.
Anxiously hope that someday we can relive that trip with the whole family, as these were the best vacation of my life.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I like to visit England
Today I will talk about the country which I love to visit sometime.
Definitely my favorite country is England but I would love to see specifically London , i think that is one of the value capital a rich cultural and musical artistic. I feel that in this place you can find absolutely everything, to characterize London as a city completely different and completely.
In England is noted for having hosted many prominent writers such as William Shakespeare recognized creator of classics like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, among many other prominent and recognized works. But not all ancient writers also find the famous and contemporary J.K Rowling, author of the famous Harry Potter book series.
In England, preferably in London, I would like to study, I would love to get familiar with the language, to speak more fluently and continuity.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
the experiences of the first semester

Today I will talk about my experience of the first half of this year, earlier this year in the university I learned a lot about many interesting topics also learned new things in new subjects such as PedagogÃa Social, Imaginario Infantil, among others, in these subjects to study all the real-life issues such as discrimination children, child and social vision of the school, I liked to have the opportunity to learn these subjects was very good for my future career.
But this year was very stressful and tiring I had some free time to do activities like painting, reading books and watching a lot of movies, but it was not all easy for me because I had a big challenge: final exams, thanks to all my effort needs commitment and I passed all subjects.
I really hope that this semester is full of new learning and positive experiences that enrich my personal life and also the professional.
Friday, June 29, 2012
My experience with the blog
The blog has many good things, for example, show everyone my thinking, my tastes, whether in music, film and literature, in a more didactic in comparison to tell orally, plus I love the fact that remain for many years in the network, with access at any time throughout my life.
Among the "bad" things could be not be necessary to establish a fixed numbers of words, because at times, I is difficult to elaborate on the issue, and hampering my learning process, and I write by obligation and meet the estimated number, not taking his relevance to what I am and I want to express.
But I believe that this methodology should continue to be promoted, since the results at least in my case are demonstrable evidential.
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