I think that I learned to the environment when I was 12 years old in the school in a class of sciences, the teacher showed the organism and the way for us can made recycle.I remeber she tolk us about to the worry and take care to the all world, I still remeber she teached to the recycling.
I recycling every day when I separated to the papers, plastic bottle,organic food,everything.

I dont belong to the any organization ecologistic because I dont have much time for to the part in that organization,but I really like and support every ecologistical move.for example I like so much the organization no gobernmental (CDA) is compouned for student to the university of chile and people interested in the topic.
Every day I worry for dont use to the energy if a dont needed , I care for the water leak , among other, this is my way for to help to the ecosistem and environment.
The last semester I had to the oportunity for made the carbon footprint I dont remember very well the result but I hope so much that have reduce for that I walk a lot, I separated the product for to recycle and I worry for not put garbage in the street.
Santiago is a big city in where lives so many people, but with the time disappear because dont care to the ecosistem and always we contamineited the city , in our society no is normal speak about to the care world, ecosistem , animal , among other, but in a short time this issues us cause so many environment problems.I think we all need more information and more preucupation about to the ecosistem and obviously for santiago our city.
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