My favorite book is " Travesuras de la Niña Mala " novel by Peruvian author Mario Vargas LLosa in 2006, this story tells about the stormy relationship and unhealthy between Ricardo Somocurcio the young Peruvian high society and the "chilenita" nick name of young lady from Chile; recounts the history and divergence of these young people for 40years in various countries like as Paris, lime, London, Tokyo and Madrid and the various social and political problems that lived in that time.

At the end of the story's fate back together one last time ,but she was not the same, it looked old, was ill and the end of his life was approaching, that is where Ricardo knows really who was the "Chilean girl" of where it came from, who their parents and above all realize that all the love you give him was real.
I read this book the last year and is a very interesting book